Dcccd lockdown browser download

To install lockdown browser, start any web browser, go to the unique download link provided to your school. The link may be provided by your instructor, or it may have been posted inside your course.

After viewing the video click the Install Now button. The browser will start the download to your computer. Once the file has downloaded, start the lockdown browser installer. The first step is to select the language. In this example we'll choose English. You will be prompted to accept the license agreement, then click Next.

After a brief period of time, you will be prompted to finish the installation. Click Finish when the installation is complete. To log in to Teams, use your eConnect username and password.

To access Teams, use one of the following methods:. Your instructor might require that you take your online tests using a secured web browser called Respondus LockDown Browser. You might also be required to have a webcam and be monitored during the test. Note: A computer is required to use the LockDown Browser. It does not work on mobile devices. Have questions or concerns about eCampus?

Technology Requirements It is important to be ready for learning online from day one. Additional Online Tools Your instructor might use video conferencing tools for office hours or other class meetings at specific times. Tutorials: Accessing Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.

To access Teams, use one of the following methods: Teams can be accessed from the Dallas College website by selecting Online Tools in the top-right corner of the page and then Microsoft Teams.


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