Empowering productivity at home and at work From students to authors to small business owners, individuals are doing much more in less time with Dragon. Comprehensive security To ensure the security of your data, our cloud solutions feature Compliance and confidentiality For health and human services professionals that encounter Personal Health Information PHI in the course of their jobs, rest assured that our Windows client Dragon Professional Anywhere supports HIPAA requirements for security and confidentiality in public sector settings such as social services, employing secure encryption methods throughout the workflow to safeguard all communication, documentation, and data.
Find the Dragon that speaks to your needs Optimized for diverse professions and accessible to everyone, Dragon makes overachievement inevitable. Need help? We've got you covered. For starters, dictation software provides accessibility to those with disabilities—both physical and language-based—to access technologies and be more productive. For example, if you're unable to use your hands, you can still operate a computer, create documents, and access the web with dictation technology.
And those with chronic conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome can prevent the repetitive stresses that come with typing, simply by using their voice. But as the technology has improved over the last 20 years and costs have come down, dictation software is now accessible to everyone as a tool to increase productivity almost instantly. Look no further than the changed working environment in the wake of COVID more working from home means more opportunity to do things like dictate emails.
Students can write papers and transcribe lectures into notes depending on the software's capabilities. And the casual user can dictate notes, a shopping list, a text, or a reminder while performing other tasks, making multi-tasking a reality.
Think: taking a walk while "writing" your next novel. It's amazing how far dictation software has come in the plus years since I first tried it. I wouldn't have recommended it back then for the casual user—it was too much work for too little reward.
But now, it's actually enjoyable to see your words skip across the screen like you're dictating to your own personal assistant. And with the use of artificial intelligence that recognizes your speech with more accuracy the more the apps are used, it's hard to go wrong—no matter the platform. For my tests, accuracy was the first element I looked at when deciding which software to choose. This was followed by ease of use, including the availability of voice commands.
For example, does the software require the user to say, "insert period" vs. The latter, while maybe less intuitive at first, soon becomes second nature and saves time in the long run. Other considerations were the number of languages and dialects supported and the versatility of a given app e. Though dictation software is pretty good at recognizing different voices, it's not perfect.
Speak naturally with caveats. Dictation apps learn your voice and speech patterns over time. And if you're going to spend any time with them, you want to be comfortable. Speak naturally. When you dictate, you have to say each period, comma, question mark, and so forth. The software isn't smart enough to figure it out on its own. Learn a few commands. Take the time to learn a few simple commands, such as "new line" to enter a line break. There are different commands for composing, editing, and operating your device.
Commands may differ from app to app, so learn the ones that apply to the tool you choose. Know your limits. Especially on mobile devices, some tools have a time limit for how long they can listen, usually around 30 to 45 seconds. Glance at the screen from time to time to make sure you haven't blown past the mark. It takes time to adjust to voice recognition software, but it gets easier the more you practice. Some of the more sophisticated apps invite you to train by reading passages or doing other short drills.
Don't shy away from tutorials, help menus, and on-screen cheat sheets. With dictation software, your voice is captured by a microphone, which is included on your device computer, tablet, mobile or as part of a specific software suite e.
For the occasional dictation user capturing notes and shopping lists, the built-in microphone should work fine. But if you're using it more intensely—consistently writing content, dictating meetings, sending emails—consider something that more effectively nabs the sound waves from your voice.
To be fair for determining accuracy, I used the same word script for all tests. It has a variety of sentence lengths, a few industry-specific words, and several business names. And as mentioned, I used a mid-priced headset as a microphone.
My testing space had very little background noise. In the initial evaluation of 14 apps, I dictated the script one time using punctuation commands, noted accuracy as a percent of words missed or mistranscribed, and recorded my thoughts on ease of use and versatility. Once I narrowed the final list down, I retested each app with the same script, recorded accuracy, and tried out other features such as file sharing and using the same software in multiple places e.
Keep in mind that many of these apps will become more accurate the more times you use them, so the accuracy numbers mentioned will likely improve with continued use. Look no further than your Mac, iPhone, or iPad for one of the best dictation tools. Apple's built-in Dictation feature, powered by Siri we'd be unsurprised if the two merged one day , ships as part of Apple's desktop and mobile operating systems.
On iOS devices, you use it by pressing the microphone icon on the stock keyboard. By default, Apple Dictation requires the internet to work and has a time limit of about 30 seconds for each smattering of speech. Enhanced Dictation adds a local file to your device so that you can dictate offline. You can format and edit your text using simple commands, such as "new paragraph" or "select previous word. Apple also offers advanced commands for creating custom ones. VoiceX has a long history of supplying dictation solutions to the legal and medical industries as well as the government and professional sectors.
Throughout the years, VoiceX has led the way in introducing and supporting new, cutting-edge technology that assists with document creation. Our speech to text software and product range is constantly evolving and now provides professional dictation solutions for legal, healthcare, financial, government, education, real estate, mining and more. We service all states of Australia and New Zealand, with offices on both the east and west coasts.
We are always looking for new ways to making your speech dictation tasks simpler, faster and more cost-effective with AI-powered voice to text software and products.
What will that cost? Can I get a wireless RF or Bluetooth headset? Yes you can upgrade to new version of dragon but you need to have old serial number also you can get Bluetooth headset. I was wondering what methods can be used to dictate in Dragon. I am looking at the Dragon Home 15 and have a few questions about compatibility with other programs. Dragon home 15 does work most of the third party applications.
For more information you need to talk to our customer service. I thought there was a personal edition, but I am not seeing it here? I purchased a new computer and I need to download Nuance Dragon onto my new computer. Have you already purchased the dragon software if yes than you might have received email with download link when you purchased you can download it from there.
Just wanting to know what would be good for medical use. I am with a tax exempt organization. How do I set up an account for that purchase? I have a difficult time writing, but I can speak about my ideas with no problem.
What is the difference between Dragon Home 15 and Dragon Home 13? I own naturally speaking. Dragon home 15 is latest version of dragon home 13 and it is more accurate and faster than old one. We own professional individual You need to provide nuance registered email with phone number to get the information or download link. If you have checked audio settings and not able to fix the dragon issue than please contact nuance support team.
I have an older version of Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium which was installed on an older laptop. I have a new laptop which does not have an optical drive to use to install from the CD. I would like to be able to download and install online. You need to request for a digital download link, please send us email from your registered email with nuance. Not sure where to start? You first need to purchase dragon software, once it is purchased you will get download link on your email , from there you can download it.
I am retired. Dragon Professional Individual is big software than dragon home. In Dragon home you can only dictate but in dragon pro you can customize vocabulary as well as you can create your own vocabulary. For discount you need to contact nuance tech support. Please contact to your bank and see if your bank allows card for online shopping and then try again. I have v13 home of DNS. I have two laptops and tried to install on my 2nd one. Please restart your computer and try again, if issue is persisting then please do call dragon support team.
I am legally blind due to glaucoma and have difficulties messaging. I have been a dragon customer for many years.
Can I use this with my Mac computer? Does Nuance offer an educational discount offer for Dragon Home? I need to download the latest Dragon for Mac which I believe is 6. I only have the download link to version 5. Can you please provide me with a working link to download version 6? Please request from your registered email, then only you will get download link for mac version 6. I need to install the add in for Microsoft office that is installed on my computer.
You mean you need to install dragon add-in for office right? Does Nuance offer nonprofit discounts? For any discount for non profit organization you need to speak to nuance dragon customer service. I am trying to get dragon on my new laptop. I have the dragon home edition and the box is in my possession but not the dvd. You need to buy external dvd drive or you can request for digital download from your registered email.
I currently have Dragon professional Will it work on a surface book? I also have dragon anywhere. Well if you have windows on surface book then yes dragon will work and for enterprise level you need to buy bulk licensing and the features are same. How to I download dragon?
Have you purchased dragon software if yes then you might have received download link on your email please download from there. Is Nuance Medical One compatible with a Macbook? Can I use this for salesforce? I own the latest copy of Dragon for Mac, but just got a new computer and need to re-install. Where do I get the installer? You can request for exe file from our customer service team but we are not sure that Dragon for Mac will work no.
I own a copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium I am interested in upgrading to Professional v Where do I find the information that I will need for Premium 12 to complete the upgrade to Professional v15? On website there is Professional upgrade v15 you can buy it from there or you can contact nuance sales team for upgrade. I need to purchase Dragon Medical. I have Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium I think I bought it in But, now I have Windows 10 and Word Is this still compatible?
Have office mac iphone and mac laptop what is the least costly that supports all 3. For windows and iPhone we have dragon professional and dragon anywhere but for Mac laptop Dragon does not have any product available right now. I cannot access my account. Well there is a option to pay with your card directly below PayPal please scroll it down and then you will get it. What should I do? I am looking to purchase this software.
It would be for a business office and we would need 15 people to have access to it. Which software is the best? And how much more is it gonna cost me to be able to use it on or the other at a time? If you want to install upgrade then you need old dragon license for activation. I need my serial number for my product. Dragon serial number is on dragon software itself so if you want to look for serial number of your dragon product please go to dragon bar then click help and then click about dragon option a new box will pop up there is mentioned serial key.
I would like to use voice to text software. Dragon Naturally Speaking is best choice for you, It is best in the market, Dragon naturally speaking is fast and accurate. Need dragon for mac. I bought dragon Nuance software and it is what I really needed.
In my hurry without reaining fully I hve been using it fairly well. Now I want to know all the bells and whistles. Is there a comple tutorial for practice some where? We just hired a Neuropsychologist that uses Dragon. Our EMR is Credible. Do the two integrate? I have Dragon Professional Individual Do I need a coupon code? I disconnected inadvertently…I was being sent a link to upgrade my Professional Individual 15…sorry about that! I currently on Dragon Is the upgrade to My conversations and free flowing speech is of value and I need a way to document the content.
I have version 15 pro. Is there still a cost to upgrade to the new version? Is the upgrade to Individual Dragon Home 15 new wont open. I have two computers. Can I use tle. How much is the student version of Dragon Pro. Are you available to chat? I had a hard drive crash on my desktop, and Dell has replaced it. I would like to get that re-installed on the same desk top.
Your webpage mentioned a discount? Please elaborate? I received an email from Dragon informing me there is a new version of the software. I have the Dragon software for Mac, which I know has been discontinued, but am wondering if there have been any changes made to my software. Once purchase, can you download the program on a different laptops?
I have already purchase dragon and I need to download on my new computer. Does the system recognize Portuguese? So i got you email about upgrading to upgrade to I have the Professional purchased in I an Attorney. Tell me if I need the legal software. Also my Bluetooth headset is not working. Explain the difference between it and the power Mic III. I have a Mac Computer. I want to know if dragon dictate can be used on my Mac laptop easily?
I was on a chat — I now have no idea what is going on. I need the offline installation file. I have a question about refund. Are there any discounts offered for buying in volume? I already have verson I purchased Dragon for Mac and have a key code. I am unable to find where to download the software using the key code. I wonder download dragon naturally speaking yo my computer. I am interested in downloading Dragon Home, but it seems that your money back guarantee is very limited.
I have a medical condition that affects my voice, so is there any way I can have a trail period that lasts for at least 30 days? Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.
I cannot order online? I am a lawyer who uses Dragon Professional Individual v. I have badly arthritic hands. Is there an upgrade or is Legal Individual better?? I need to download the Dragon software my practice is interested in purchasing the dragon software. Where can I find my licenses? I have never used Dragon software. I think the Home version will be sufficient but want to confirm. Does it transcribe a variety of voices such as a Continuing Legal Education webinar speaker?
I need your input: if I have any one of the Dragon Speaking systems, is it a software and can my student use it as well as me….. Is there a phone number I can call to enquire about this product? How fast can I obtain the software and headset? Can we transfer our license to another Employee.
Does it work with any headset? We switched to laptops at work and no one re-installed Dragon on the new laptops. How do I transfer it? I purchase dragon 15 with electronic download.
My computer crashed and I need to get a copy of my software. Can someone help me please. I need to recover my code for Dragon It has been registered with Nuance.