This will help you to clear and balance your energy — in literally minutes a day. Imagine — being empowered with greater peace of mind, profound states of wellbeing, and near-limitless energy… as well as near-perfect health.
So you can expect your relationships at home and work to improve, automatically, as well as your ability to shift the circumstances of your life. Skip to content. Jeffrey Allen is an engineer-turned-spiritual guru. He specializes in energy work, higher awareness, and healing. Jeffrey Allen is not your typical spiritual master. Jeffrey was passionate about spirituality and decided to take a giant leap.
I found Jeffrey Allen to be a very effective and relatable teacher. It helped me that he understood the conventional 9-to-5 career pathway and how frustrating that can be. Through his class, I discovered how to tap into the energy fields around myself to help heal my spirit and imbue myself with positivity. Duality helps you draw, heal, and nurture your energy so you can use it to manifest physical results in your life. For example, good health, fortune, or better relationships.
Duality is the belief that there are two sides to ourselves. Our revealing new quiz will help you discover your hidden superpower and unlock your greatest gifts in life. Check it out here. We often find ourselves lost, demotivated, and utterly burnt out. Duality aims to help you find that inner balance so you can function better in the world around you. J effrey Allen guides you in doing this. Mindvalley has an unconditional day guarantee. Cancel within 10 days to have your money refunded.
Take our new quiz here. But I found myself having trouble working, getting more and more alienated from friends and family, and having very low levels of energy. I wanted to snap out of it. I was in for a real trip! I learned so much from this program. Jeffrey will teach you about energy work and how you can use it to ground and anchor yourself so you can show up to life and be more present. This is an 8-week Quest.
It combines powerful guided exercises and meditations with real-world applications. There has never been a better time to open up to Duality, and Jeffrey believes people are ready, and they know there has to be a better and easier way to live. Duality teaches you to use the energetic side of your dual body to function better in this world. It leads to more excellent health, an increase in your spiritual skills, higher levels of awareness, and the ability to perform more efficiently in the world.
Imagine living your life with one arm tied behind your back, functioning as a one-handed person in the world. Imagine if your second arm was suddenly released. This is how it feels when you learn to use your energy body, which our society has taught us to suppress for so long.
Many of us watch what we eat, we exercise to keep fit, and we shower and brush our teeth to make sure our physical body functions at its best.
An engineer by trade and energy healer at heart, Jeffrey Allen has helped countless people combine their intellect and Intuition to boost their confidence, improve their relationships, find meaning and purpose, and manifest the life of their dreams. His genuine interest was spirituality, energy healing, and Intuition. For example, we know that more than half of marriages end in divorce. The same goes for money.
You can learn how to quickly open to your intuition and spiritual gifts. You can experience a life guided by synchronicity and meaningful coincidences that lead you to everything you want. You can enjoy a life filled to the brim with love, abundance, joy, and fun. And you really can manifest your soulmate, health, wealth — and whatever else your heart earnestly desires.
Jeffrey leading a meditation at A-Fest Greece. Just moments before he got a standing ovation. Get Answers — Fast! Stop Fighting Against Yourself When you live out of alignment with your energy and most of us do! Magnetize New Relationships The more you work with your energy, the bigger your impact on other people.
All without stress… or struggle… or feeling overwhelmed. This is what it feels like to truly live at your highest calling. More information about Medical: Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Preview Information:. Reviews 1 1 review for Duality from Jeffrey Allen Rated 5 out of 5.
Add a review Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Let your experience be the real teacher. As an engineer, Jeffrey Allen was trained to think logically. Which means that he not only teaches his framework, but he also gives you a logical explanation so you can thoroughly be convinced of the logic behind it. No more lingering doubts. Sure, Jeffrey has spent over 15 years to master these principles. He painstakingly went through all of them and chose the most crucial ones… those that he knew would trigger an instant shift in your mindset.
And he answered them by recording these audios. They are there to help you, share their experiences as they go through the Quest with you and occasionally introduce new tools and resources for taking your energy practice to the next level. Now used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. The Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. For 15 years, Jeffrey had apprenticed with leading psychics, healers, and mediums in the United States.
Yet, the Universe had big plans for Jeffrey. Through a remarkable set of coincidences in , Jeffrey found himself teaching graduate spiritual studies in Uganda, Africa to a talented group of advanced students.
This experience gave Jeffrey the courage to step out of hiding and into the spotlight. Jeffrey left his successful engineering life and moved to Sedona, AZ to began his full-time career as a professional intuitive, energy healer, and spiritual teacher. Imagine — fewer mistakes, missed opportunities or procrastination — and far more flow, momentum and seemingly effortless success.