I Key Spheres. Then comb through the scattered collect the After the characters attempt to recoverfrom the trauma ofthe carnage, Hi-Potion and speakto all the other party memberson the beach. Then follow the parry up the path towardDjose. A priest will contributea Hi-Potion ro your continuing quest. The first chest along the route contains two Phoenix Downs. Move direcdy acrossthe path from this chest and search behind a spiky rock to find the AI Bhed Primer.
As you proceedfi. The chesthidden in this alcovecontainsa Bright Bangle. Continueup the Highroad until it splits. You can alwayscheckthe world map by examiningthe sign there. For now,headnorth and speak to Auron, then go to the temple. After the temple opens, search for a treasure chest oo the far west side ofthe area to get Gil. On the east side ofthe temple entrance, you'll encounter one ofthe Crusaders from Besaid. Move east behind the small inn to find a treasure chest with four Abilig Spheres ilside.
The priest inside the inn wont allow accessto tle treasure chest ultil you return from the temple. Exit the inn and enter the temple. A-fter their conversation, follow the party up the stairs. There are chamberson either side ofthe entranceto the inner sanctum. Outside the chamberto the left ofthe stairs is a tueasure chestcontaining an Ether, while the treasurechestinside the chamber contains a Remedy.
After collecting the items, move up the central stairsand tell the pdest youte ready to face the trials. Toke lheDiose Spheres from the dohonlherighl ond left, ond ploce them into the two slots on thedouble them.
Toke o Dlose Sphere from either proreed side offlredoor, io ond porl the eoslern oflheploiform. Ploe the sphere into either of the two slols. Toke the sercnd plore Olose Spfiere ond it into lheremoining sloL. Push lhepedeslol holding ihe Djose Sphere under lheupsidepedestol.
Toke the Diose super-ehorged Sphere ond insdrt it info lhedot io theriglrl oftherenlrol door. This opens o door reveoling o room wilfio pitfulloflightning. Push the onthe Push lhepedestol with This side ofthe lightning. Toke the Diose Spheres from Return eoch side ofthepedeslol. This ociieoch side floor votes lheMo"wings" ofthe symbol. Toke lhesuper-chorged Diose Sphere from thedottotheright ploce it into lhe ofthedoor, ond door slot tothe left ofthe. The compleled floor symbol thepedestol inloonelelurns plotform.
Ride theplo! Return ploform ride the elevotor ond tothe lower level. Lo tetheglowing west woll neor the floor switch. Sphere ond relurn totheupper level onihemogk lift. Ploce theDestruction Sphere inlo pedestol.
This lhe cenhol the destroys oseciion ofwollto reYeoling olreosure chest eost, Sphere. Dona appears the guardians. Afterward, move toward the exit and Yuna will emerge fiom the Chamber of the Fa1. Go back inside and collect the Switch Hitter ftom the treasure Speakto the party gatheredoutside the temple, and head inside. Yuna is resting in the small chest,which you can now access. Soeakto the personnear her to wake her. Head acrossthe bridges away fiom the temple, back toward the Djose Highroad.
The former Crusader standing on the north side ofthe frst bridge will give you a Halberd, and a priest pacing the bridges will hand over two Hi-Potions. Aiso, speak to the lone man on the next section ofbridge until he gives you ten Potions. After checking on the Chocobo Knights again, follow the group south to the spl.
Head north towards the Moonflow. After her lecture,move behind her into a small alcoveto find three Lv. After tangling with Kimahri's old rivals again, collect the X-Potion and move onward. Continue northeaston the path and look for a sma1lalcoveon the right to find three more Lv l Key Spheres.
I As you contrnue, Yuna meets Belgemineonce again. Itt best ifYuna and her aeonsstart this batde already in Overdrive mode. Belgemine summonsIxion, so Yuna should summon Ifrit. Unleash Hellfire on Ixion first. Iflxion castsHaste and unleashes consecutive attacks,heal Ifrit with Fire. If it looks like lion will. Even if Ifrit happens to die, Yuna can summon Valefor as a backup.
Win or lose, she gives you the Summoner's SouI, which lets you teach new abilities to your aeons. You should be able to teach Cheer, Aim, Focus, and Reflex to all three aeons. If you receive the Dragon Scales,one luclg aeon can learn Watera,. FollowthistofindaMagicDefSphere,2 and then return to the path and continue north. Once you reach the shore,move west to the shoopuf wharl Collect the two Phoenix Downs, and check O'akas inventory.
Ifyou've loaned him the only merchant in this areawho you can ffust. Everyone moneS then he is essentially elsehas exorbitant prices. Speakto Auron and then proceedto the western structure. Before heading to the loading zone, collect Gil from the treasurechestbehind T'ulu and then passenger speakto both her and Wakka.
When you're readyto leave,find the shoopufhandler. Bycorting himself ond 0ny lost l P i0 replenhh chorges, use Hi-Potions lounches deplh. O'aka is only selling medicines,but The more suppliesyou have the better, as it take this opportunity to stock up on supplies.
The Al Bhed Primer vol. XII is on the platform just aboveO'aka. Head west onto the to the local Guado asyou go. As you proceed up the path, a tutorial batde teaches you how Rikku can steal from treasurechestsduring batde.
You also learn how to use Riklu's Overdrive, Mix. Afterward, continue to Guadosalam. You can obtain four Antidotes from the fust chest on the right and a Mega-Potion from the treasure chest on the left side of the path. Ifyou have an excessof and variousother medicines,you can add some useful abilities to the emPty slots on Antidotes, Eye Drops, Echo Screens your weaponsand armor. The inn is next to Tidus's starting point.
The only SaveSphereis locatedhere aswell, and the spheremonitor on the right side of the room teachesyou how to fight the Larva and lron lJlant uenqs. Afir lrea 'ed rl". Xlllinthe middeolthefroor. Also, ohidden tr"osure d"st0lthe very b0 k0fthe onl1rlns room Gil.
Mar ]! Iroltion oiihe. Ascend either staircase and look for a hidden treasurechest on the upper balcony to get two Hi-Potions. After speaking to your party membe6, enter the ourple double doors.
Where the great feast is laid out, speakto veryone to keep things rolling. After Selmour speaksto Yuna, return to the areaoutside the double red doors and rejoin the party. Then head up the highest ramP and through the entranceto the Farplane. The n join everyoneon the slairs leading up to the spiritual realm. Have Tidus go up the stairs after the others. Afterward, check up on Yuna again to seeif she'smade a decision'.
After Tidus and Lulu's conversation, follow her and speakto her again. Then move to the middle level and speakto Rikku. After Kimahri emerges from the shop, follow him back down and speakto Lulu one last time.
Afterward, head down thc ramp from the double red doors toward the exit to the Thunder Plains. Head to the left side ofthe areato collect two Phoenix Downs from a treasure chest, then make a beeline for the closest lightning tower for safety.
Most enemiesin thilregion are lightning-based,so equip your party memberswith weaponsthat bear the Vy'aterstrike in the area,this is a great place to ability. Due to the frequencyofrandom batdes and the quantity of SaveSpheres spend some time leveling up. Items are scatteredacross the north and south regions ofthe area. Anioeont regulor should beoble todeleol o Qoctuor olt0 ks with one hit. Eorh isworth Al soitt definitely worth the effort. A book ot thelocol Trovel Agency exploins wholiheycre.
Iheyorethekey to gcining Kimrhri's ultimole weopon. For ludher deloik, check oullhe"Secrels" ehopler. Inside, a book on the counter tells the story behind the QLctuar stones, Another book on the table to the right indicatesthe number of times you ve eluded lightning strikes.
Choose the top option, and he will hand over the Al Bhed Primer vol. When you're ready, exit the Tiavel Agency. Check the ground outsidethe Tiavel Agency to find a Yellow Shield. Equip this on Tidus to nullify lightning damagel. Later, Yuna suddenlyarrivesat an important decision.
After hearing her out, searchbehind the structure for an Ether. There are a few more treasure chests to open as you head north to Macalania. AlBhed Prim"'rvo. XV ,67 AlBh". XVI ,6, lethfsSpher"'. Follow the path to the left and search behind the tree trunk for a hidden SleepyCait Sith. Continuealong the path, keeping a sharp eyeout for teasure chests. Move to the closestbutterfly and touch it to begin a short mini-game.
As time elapses, run along the path back the way you came and try to touch sevenblue butterflies before time runs out. Touching a blue butterfly causesa chest to drop. After capturing all sevenblue butterflies, a new chest appears. Ifyou touch a red butterfly, a batde with local fiends occurs. These fights are much tougher,so avoid touching the red butterflies at all cost! Ifyou agreethey are,he will offer you a ma1or from O'aka, look for the Al Bhed Primer discount!
On the ground across vol, XV. Whenever otiock Spherimorph, domoge, somogic isthekey. For eromple, if elemeni i0 inflkt domoge. Cost 0 spell of lhe opposile indkales ilscunent elementol ounlerotto k Blizzoro. There The creatureleaves are severalothers scattered throughout Spira. Upon examining this one, Auron learns a new Overdrive, Shooting Star. XVI outside of anotherTiavel Agency.
Suggestingthat Clasko take up chocobobreeding in the game. Make sureyou saveyour game,because coryihuing beyond the Tiavel Agency starts a shocking sequnce ofevents. This sweeping 0tt0 k ron touse exheme dom0ge toiheenthe porty's HP Tfie best woy toovoid the li,lono Beom istosummon ond use ona-eon,s Shield obility todefled mod offie blost Aeons suth osllrit ond lxion con heolthemselves ty osring rheir own block mogk ontfiemselves.
There is a better opportunity to co ect them later For now, grab the Mega-Potion fiom the chest to the right and enter. An Al Bhed then bribesyou to leavehim alonewith Gil. Crossthe ice bridge "-l. Shelindais further inside. Continue up the stairstowards the Cloister to witness an outcry from the chamber below.
Follow the party inside to receive an eerie message. Search the mainhall for two X-Potions and Gil. Talk to the people in the northwest chamber to get an Elixir, an Ether, andto learn moreabout Seymour. When you're ready, enterthe Cloister;f tials andfacethe treacherous Seymour.
By t0king o potion from he won't hove the obility to heol himself ofter every ottock. Repe0l lhis l0cti 0g0in todefeot o minimum Animo wilh ofefforl. Rcturninq blch through the ice tunnel celrsessectionsoiit to disal1,s Descend the romp iothe floor 2.
Plore lhe Glyph 5phre into the pedestol push below, ond toke the Glyph neorby, ond the pedestol Sphere from lhe renirol tolumn. The touses lhe slologmile lodi5oppe0r. Remove theGlyph Sphere from thepedenol, ond relilin the sloi tothe forleft.
A ube sec iion oflhewoll rises into the chomber obove, beoring o new Mocolonio Sphere. TFtr I. Go bork up the romp and loke the 6. Push the the Mocolonio Sphere from column serlion the on forright. Go botk Ihis rouses osection ofthe ice ploce below cnd the Morolonio lunnel toreoppor obove.
Sphere into the 7,. Remove the Mocolonio Sphere from lhe oister, slol underlhe entr0n el0 the ond loke ildown the r0mp. Pl0c il in 0uling lhe solo0lhe o umn lothe lefi, 0Jedion ollhe i elunne Iorobove to reoppeor. T0ke lhe Mo 0i0nio 5phere lrom the dolotfietop offte romp, ond enler olumn. Asrend theromp step ond on lhefloor swikh, bringing the pedestol ond theMocolonio Sphere tothe loplevel. This olso roures o sedion ollheke lunnel todisoppeor.
Toke the Mocolonio 5phere from the pedestol push ond it down the f0mp. Destend theromp tothe floor below, ond step onthe lloor swikh tohring lhepedeslol oul ofthe stologmite. Ploce lis Destrudi0n Sphere inlhe dot t0 the left ofthe doorwoy. Return lo thelevel obove ond push thepedestol foword the dologmiles ogoin.
Push the pedestol ploce bock into otthe bottom olfie rclumn sedion to reonstrurl lheics tunnelohove. Ascend lo thelevel obove ond loke lhel4orolonic Sphere lhot powers lheromp. As you proceedonto the long, curved ice bridge back towards the entrance, Guado Guardianschaseyou. Ifone catches you, the pafy must fight the guardian and additional enemies. After exiting the ice cavern,stick to the rocky trail on the dght side ofthe chasm. This eventuallyleadsto a partially hidden treasure chest at the end containing a Lv.
As o finol 0d,they rost spelk ond Berserk onthe l,Yendigo. You con remove Berserk, though, by Firo using Threoien. After Yuna leaves, talk to all ofthe characters again.
There is a treasure chestpartially hidden behind Kimahd that containsa Lv. Tidus awakensio a small oasisin the center of a vast desert. Before climbing out, swim to the lower left side to find a sunken fteasurechest containine four Remedies.
Evcn blindecl,the Zu r. When Auron. T EJq. I Rikku cln lrsetheseau. The splicrcmonitor lclrbl contnins tutorialson irqhting Zus lnd Clct,. Iflou'r'e collcctcd rrllslrteen AL Bhed Primersl. Held elst liom the mlrker to find K i r ' r F -. At her shrnn-,coLlcctthc nr. Rikku ron horobo steol Feolhers from them, might but she in ur thetvrcth 0flhe10, Needles ottorn.
You'Il eventuallyreach an expansive areafull of items and helpful signs. Keep an eye on the on-screenmap, and move towardslarge objectsin the field to find treasurechests. After collecting the items, there are two exits to consider,Use the inscription at the back ofthe areato make your choice.
Weaker fiends are to the right, while strongerfiends await to the left. There are befter items to the left, so go that way first. Go left from the large sign into the western area.
Amid theseruins, you'll notice that ffeasurcchestsappearduring many battles. After collecting theseitems, return to the SaveSphere. Keep Rikku 0nlhefront line iiems from the fiends ofSonubio.
On the cliffsouth ofthe valley is a strangerock, which is important to one of the game'ssecrets. Move eastfrom the stone and find a small side areaon the map. The first treasurechest containseight Hi-Potions, and the one sinking in the sand pit containsthe Mercury Crest.
In the larger section north of there,you can collect three Mega-Potions and two X-Potions. Moving directly eastfrom the Mega-Potions,the party will find a chest sinking into a sandpit. However, the pit also contains a Sandragora. Use fire magic to kill them, and removeany statuseffectswith Al Bhed Potions. The chestin the first sinkhole containsthree Megalixirs, while the secondone, a litde further northeast,contains two Teleport Spheres.
To reach the Al Bhed Home, head north. AlBhed XX. After the group ngregates in the center area,they get anackedby a Guado Guardian and other enemies.
The two treasure. If The Al Bhed Primer vol. O sitting on the bed nearbyshouldhe1p. The following screenshots The cheston the right requires higtrlighted word.
The password chest contains a Friend Sphere, and the chest to the left askswhat item you would Jike to receive. Exit the living quartersand descendthe stairs. Grab the four Al Bhed Potions? Alother corridor across ih. Ofl on the floor. Enter the blue-lit door nearby. There are two more treasurechestsin here that require a working knowledgeof Al Bhed.
The chest closestto the Compilation Spherehas a number lock, and the code requiressome math. The table below showshow to decipherthe code. Input the code to receivethe Special Sphere. The secondchcst challenges you to correctlydecipherfbur questions.
You must choosethe correct answereach time. The table to the rigl. Beforeyou enter the sanctum,don't miss the Lv. Search inside the sanctumfor a treasurechest containinq 10,Gil, and then head for the airship dock.
Ifyou're in need of items look for Rin, otherwise continue past him and enter the next door on the dght. Dona is in here and needsconsoling. The answeryou give her affectsher future appearances in the game.
Return to the bridge at this point and talk to the airship'spilot. Upon derermining Yuna'slocation, try to leave.
Fiends have enteredthe ship, so as you proceedback toward the cabin areaerpect some fighting. Saveyour game at the SaveSphereand speakto Rin before riding the platform up to the surface. Ifpossible, equip as many characters as possiblewith armor and equipment with the SOS Regen abiliry Also, keep in mind that Evrae is immune to most status effects.
Dont forget to equip weapons and armor that improve your pa y members'Strength and HP 0n tie eh! Stort byhoving Tidus cost Slow onthe fiend, ond then rost Hoste onhimself ond Rikku. This increoses their number omm0nd oflurns lhroughout the boitle, ond mokes it much eosier t0use the Trigger to ommuni oie wilh Cid. When Tidus orRikkut turn isright belore ommond use the Trigger topull the ship owoy from Evroe. Eventuolly, Evroe willinhole onone turn ond exhole Poison Breoth onitsnext turn.
Whenever lhepofi isimpoired wiihslotus oilments, hove Rikku use onAlBhed Potion. Evroe willthen Hoste cost onitselllhus nullifying Slow spells. To counter Evroet enhonced h0rqclers speed, hove Tidus cosl Hoste 0n0sm0ny ospossible. Your rhoice ofporty members depends onwhefier Evroe h close orforowoy.
When [vroe isneor the ship, use physicol otlorks with dorocters like Tidus, Auron, l imohri, ond Rikku. When Evroe isforowoy, use Lulu ond V'lokko. But since Evroe holves ollmogicoldomoge, Lulu will be mostly inefferlive unless she knows Firogo, Wotergo, Thundogo, orBlizzogo.
Kimohri ronolso lsehisLoncel obilily tosiphon some HP Irom thedrogon. You'll need o heolthy supply ofAlBhed Potions ond Mego Phoenixes lo keep your chorocten you olive so lhol on collecl osmurh AP osposible. You must now chargethrough several wavesofBevelle guards,so it's best to start off strong. Datto, nstingalke backofke lodge, indicates wherc t0lindcipher nunber t0uI Thecipher katis lhid inke series Leap lranthebackside afke ruinsinl1 is hidden am1ngst theseruins.
Return to the cave entrance. Input the number combination into the panel beside the door and proceed into tie cave. Check the on-screen map to find a purple beacon near the shrine at the clifft edge. Examine the shrine to view a numbel The number is randomly generated, so make a note ofit This number is the first of the four ciphers.
Continue downiill into tie ruins area. Climb up the first broken column on the left and search to frnd tle last number ofthe four dieit combinatron. Thecipher loundalopthisulunn is tllelastin these es. A treasure chest on the locki con tains a Chocobo Wing x2.
Exit the area by dimbing out the way you dropped down. Sorry but the correct ciphers wont be revealed until later in the game. Follow the cave to the tust intersection, where Brother checks up on Yuna yet again. Take the left branch to a chest containing r Potion x2 , then retum to the intersection and head the other way, jumping and climbing across some nanow rock platforms.
Blizzard spelltoquickly andtheBlack lvlage's Dance, castDarkness cansuccessfully Meanwhile, a Songstress even damage capable of inflicting theFlame Dragon seems although isto adminusefora thirdcharacter A muchbetter whileblinded. Dragon timelheFlame to recoup each isterPotions.
Beprepared ' points 0f damage between Iire,which causes breathes usea fullcombat intheflames, Afterbathing t0 each character party. The shop per son sells r:re items lor large amounts of gil that you probably cant afford just yct.
During Chapter 1, she offers a Besaid Key for , gil. This is the key that urJock dre treasure chest inside the north chrmber inside Besaid Temple. Answet thismanhaneslly farclues regading thesecand lautciphers. The SearchSphereenablesyou to frnd four more ciphersfor the door inside the cavewherc Walla was found.
Along thc path, you'll find a chest containing an Ether. This path eventualy lerds to a ledge high above the waterfall arca, where an e,rtra Grment Grid is located. For more details,refer to the sectionon Bcsaid Ishnd in Chapter 3 Since you probably cant allord such exorbitrnt prices at this culy stage of the game, return to the shop rnd speak to thc clcrk againin Chapter 3.
Give a balloon to the man standing near rhe door at the back oftle there are two people hidden behind a window near the cafe. Exarnine the window to open ir. Gire each penon behind the shield a balloon.
This Carmf nr Grid enablesthe user to cast Cure. It also allous the user ro cast Cun aid CurAa by changrng dresspheresdurirg combat.
Climb onto the curb and jump over the tree to the chest that con tains a Lunar Cutain x2 during Chapter 1. This chest reappears during different chapten, so check it out each time. Also, Givelhishiddenmanaballa7naswell. Tiavel to thc stadium and eo down the st rs behind the inlormation booth md to the right ofthe entranceto the stadium.
He is introducing SphereBre. To learn how to play Sphere Break, exit thc corridor and head to the other locker room corridor to the left of the entance to the stadium. You'll then learn how to play Sphere Break lrom start to frnish.
After reading a1lthe tutorials, speak to the littte bluc person again to practice Sphere Break. Learn as much about SphereBreak as possiblebecausetherc is a tournament in Lucr during Chapter 3! I Iovever, trrv cling up the Nli'ihen Hightu. Upon reaching a Save Sphere, go inside a cave to confront the bnndits When they flee, Logos and Ormi leave behind the Crimson Sphere 9 in their haste.
Examine the strange door to see something weird and mysterious, then head toward the exit to sPeak with Maroda. These deceptively a Tonberry, lf youencounter to lowlevelchancterc. Howevetthechance Ethercandpiltetlargeamounts aftersucyouliketakingextrcmerisks,conmandy1urpaflyto escape verysnall. Unless robbingthemonster. Continue acrossthe upper part ofMushroom Rock to the norti tift aod iide it up to the elerator level.
After speaking with Elma, the mission is complete- The party receives a Glass Buckle and the. Heart of Flame Garment Gdd. After the scene, move below the guards and open the treasure chest on the lower ledge to obtain Favorite Outfit.
Get on the elevator and ride to the level above. Go up to the entrance ofthe Youti Lugue Headquarten building and Yauth and Hidden 0na ledgejust1ulside Mavetolherearoflhee]evator speak to Lucil twice to view two press isachest conLeague Headquafters x. Sperk to him ard ask him to 'Enough, enoughl" option to quit. Continue down toward the Save Sphere ard speak to Clasko, who is shakiry his head in agony near the edge of the cliff, Allow him to ride onboard the ainhip by choosing the option, "The more tne menier!
Then go down to drc Cabin and speak to Clasko, whot starding on the upper level by the window. Pa rClask7. Willheevetlindhistrue yaucanhelpandbenPethaps calling? Many people ,ue grthered around the Djose Temple entrallce waiting to be interviewed by Mrchine Faction Ieader Gippal. After the Ieader arrives, a line forms in front of the shop off to tie right. Simply wait in this area until all oftle other applicants go inside. After spe. Leave the templc grounds and continue rcrossthe bridge.
After expressingan interesr in thejob, Giooal will hand over the Lefter of Introduction. For this mission, you must follow the wagon north on the Moonflow road. If any bandits stealany of the cargo, you must chase thcm down and get it back. Once you catch up to the bandit, press X to initiate a banle and deleat the bandits to retrieve the cargo. Afterwards, i, mn back to the lower level and exit Guadosalam via the cave ner the Save Sphere.
A Thiefun steallotsof gil lrom banditsby using the PifferGilabiltty. G O L1f!! Keep mnning past the rvo Nrw Ywon guards into tie nert area. These actions let you accumdate a small amount ofcompletion percentage. However, keepa sharpeyeon thecreature weakness itsnewstrengths andabsorption.
CastScanonthenonsteragain aftereachBarrier Shiftto determine andweaknesses. Going by the on screenmap, head up the top right fork. Proceed into the area until Yuna reuniteswith old acquaintance Tromell. Speak to him lour times to trigger four separate dialogues. Eventually, he turns over the FulThrotde special dressphere for Paine and the Unening Path Garment Grid, which makes tmnsformation to special dresspheresvery easy. Return to the Four-path fork area where the tree branch and shimmering paths converge, and head up the top left path to the Travel Agency area where a coup is in progress.
After the lirst scene. Speak to him, ifyou can, before he runs oft Ifyou dont get a chanceto do so,lollow him back out of the areaio begin the. FollowThat O'akal" mission.
Along the way, you'll see O'aka. When you reach the Save Sphere, head along the east path toward the spring. Afterjust a few steps,O'ala can be seendashing offagain. Stay after him. Head past the two New Yevon guards to a path intersection. Using the on-screen map, take the top path to final lv catch O'aka. Speak to the elder Guado severaltimes to get a clue as to O'aka'shiding spot, then move behind the tree to the left and search to spot O'aka in the tree.
Speak to O'aka again after he's on ground level. By agreeing to hide him on the ainhip, he hands over the Ice Queen Garment Grid. Conversely, ifyou decide to turn O'aka over to the Al Bhed, his destiny takes a dilTerent path, but you stil receive the garnent grid. Ifyou chooseto assistO'akabyleninghim on the Celsius,returnthere and speat to the sketchymerchantin the Cabin.
His debt to the Al lheeldeLGuadaantheighl accideu- Bhed appears on-screen. The gil amountpurchased ftom him is subtractedfromhis ,gil debt. Ifyoudont repaythedebtin yourfirst laly divulges0 aka! It is possibleto pay down the debtin one game by merely using the Thief's Pilfer Gil ability on every enemy encountered.
After erasing his debt, he begins to seLlrestoratrve rtems at next to-nothing costs. In addition, if you can pay doun his debt before thc end of Chapter 3, he returns to Macalania Woods. There, he setsup a very valuableshop duing Chapter 5. AA] AakawilltLeat wu right. Bikanel Desertbecomesa Hotspot after you receivethe Letter oflntroductioo fiom Gippal.
Pilot the.. Celsiusto Bilanel andfollow Rikl Thenerchant a syoubackilyau Ioleave attempt lhecamp. Upon yorir arival at the digging site, use the on-screen map as a guide and run to the yellow'X. After excavating the needed parts, you can retum 'Xs" to tle hover or attempt to dig at any of the other white on the map.
In sorne white "X" spots, it's possible to dig up usefirl items, Sphere Break coins, Al Bhed Primers, ard accessories. Sometimes a white 'X" marLs a spot where enemies will ambush your pary Ever ifyou dont get ambushed, random bat des will occur.
If anotherAl Bhed excaratorbeats1ou to a white a ,', search'somewhere else. Ifyou mn out of tirne,the party suffers ftom water depnvationand the dig is saapped. After you successfully complete a dig, 1,ou complete the mission and receirr a gil reward, the Still of Night Garment Grid, and an Elixir. At this point, you can return to the Celsius using the nearby Save Sphere, or you can dig some more.
The only available location for digging in Chapter 1 is the Westem Expanse. In addition, mastery ofdigging at aa early stxge may result in failure to complete certarn events at Djose Temple very late in the game. More on this is expla red in the "Chapter 5' section of the walkdrough.
Until then, keep your digging to a minimum! Digging inBikanel un beexlrflnely rewardi1g t0y utp1cketb1ak andy1ur knowledge altheAlBhedlanguage. If the device determines that yor. Ifyou score a certain number ofpoints by answering questions, you ll receive a raise for digging.
Picket may report something Occuring randomly during your digging e". Angra Mainl'u is a three part monster. During Chapter 1, only the middle portion is active. Later, in Chapters 2 and 3, the right and left sub-monsters aid in the battle. The left and right subordinates cannot be targeted for attacks or spells right now. When only the center body is active, the sole xttack of the creature is the Unnatural Selection aftack, which flings the entire paty off the banlefield, effec tively eoding combat.
Angra Mainlu performs this anack after exactly 60 seconds or ifits HP drops to a "bottom HP level" dependingon the chapteryou re curently playing. Refer to the table in this section for more details. Another way to prevent it ftom having a turn is for all thrce party members to leam the then Guiner's digger Happy Lv.
IfAngra Mainlu manages to end the batrle with the Unnatural Selection attacl! For example,ifyouie fighting the fiend during chapter 1 and lower ii Hp to , or less,the fiend returns with , HP when it is encounteredrgain.
Y1uwillptabably y1uaclually bel1re tleseveftltimes Angrc Mainyu, butdon'tquit! In the next area, move Yuna forward until a woman greets the high summoner Follow the Joung lady until a gendeman greets Yuna and goes to summon Praetor Baralai. After the scene, follow Baralar into New Yevon Headquarten. Guards prevent accessto other areasinside the HQ so return to the Celsius.
Two compan;es are vy;ng -'. Thanls to Rikku and Paine, you have credits to use at either agency. Each person prefers to be pitched to in a different uay. This quest is a game-long undertaking that wiJl have you pitching your company to NPCs in every location during every chapter, so start talking it up!
Betwntoke CalnLands andspeak ta anyrcpresentative t0find1uth1wy1ul publicily anpaignisg1ing. Refet ta lhe"Mini-Ganes' chapter fornore infunalion. Ifyou oeed to purchase credits to play you start with , purchase them for 10 gil apiece.
Choose one or two winning hounds, and hope they win the race. The game pays out credits based on the odds ofyour hound wilrnine. Reptile Run n available ftom the people standing near the hover just northeast of the center of the Calm Lands. This game firnctions exactly like the classic arcade game "Frogger" Place a be! Use the line of spheres displayed on-saeen to guide the reptile away Fom danger spots.
Ifyou get caught by a frend, you lose- ff you make it all the way to the other side, the game pa'6 out your winnings based on the time it took for you to reach the linish line. More information on all the games at the Calm Lands is covered in the "Mini-Games" chapter. Whether you agree to be his wife or i'At '. ApproachwomentluoughoutSpiraandpresstheSquarebuttontotalkto 'Publiciqr ladies about marrying the mart son. The "Matrimony" mission goes ha. It's a wise idea to undertale both missions simultaneously ifyou are going to do thern.
Your resPonsesaflect whether or not the Ronso Tribe reunitcs under their new eldcr Choose the rppropriate ansrverslrom thc list that follows to build a befter relationshipwith thc Ronso Speakto rhe Ronso in the areaand respondto their concerns.
Your responsesadd or subtractpoints from the amount that thc Ronso trust Yuna. The levcl of trust you build allects how the Ronso act throughout the game. This will especially come into play during the eventsar cagazet during Chaprer3 and Chapter 5. Ifyou want to knorv exactlyhow theseanswersaffect your retationshipwith the Ronso, reler to the Mt. Gagazetscctionsin their respectivcchaPters If you speakto Kimahri again,he says"Ronso youth grown horns of hatred for Guado," and hc cxpectsa responseYour rcsponseto Kimahri does not aJlecteventsar Mr.
Gagazet;it only affectsyour abiligvto gain rhc Trainer dressphereat a later point in the game. Hint Pick the middle oPtionl YautanswesheLehavelarreachn1 paliticalcansequences lhatallecta at luturcb? Garlk Conversation stads altomatically thefirsttime y0uenrer. Female onrightsideof screen aI entrance I0 lvlt. That's a really nicehorn. We'lltake careof LianandAyde.
Tryandbeniceto Kimahri. Yes, manyBonso died I willnever i0rget theirsacriiice. Whatamlsupposed to doabout it? Youhave to trynotto besosadl I canimaqnehowyoumustleel Hatred won'tsolve an! Guado leave Guadosalam. Ronso thanmountain snow NeverforgiveSeymour, never torgive Guadol Power ofthefa! Change w l1 to Ronso, come too. A change iorthebetter, I hope. A P1:? The tourists are so thick here that you cant move tkough them; therdore, head up the slope and speak to Isaaru.
Avoidthe nonkeYto the left iust insidethe done. Continue defeating Slndicate members asYou workYour way to the dome. Goon ilyoulryto sli2PaslMs.
Even bylheciculatp1ftal'shewill standing back! Il of the. With the right hands over the Heart Reborn Garment Grid. When the former summoner leaves, head down the stepsat the far end of the platform. Photon performs its Damocles status. Frcntheslaning anis1laled and,franlherc,l0 1ntaacan1e anEther canlains cheslana dackwhich 2. Junplrcnke d1tktalherightatthe andlrcm Spherc taanothet canae Save platfarn where a there laapaniay hidden conlains aManalablel chesl 3.
Crass getanAntidote x2. Aasslhecanal plalloms inlhelist areasellsitens. Ariving in the second area,head up the first set ofstairs and move left up the ramp and around the hut until Barthello comes out screaming. Danadrives hernanoullhedoat UptheslaisinDanas h use,apen lhe ches! She and some children are playrng with a Squatter Monkey. Speak to her a second time, and she asks you to search the Kilika Forest to find more Squaner Monkeys in hiding.
There are 13 monkelt hidden here seethe following map. However, you wont be able to repon back to the woman dressed in blue for your reward until Chapter 3. At that time, speakto her again and show her that you found a1l13 rnonkeys. In return, she hands over the Chaos Maelstrom Garment Grid. Folow Nooj into ihe trees. You cant go direcdy up the center,and Yevon guardsblock ofiseveral of the paths. From the SaveSphere near the entrance,head dowll the left patl.
A short cinema ofpeople running through the treestakesyou right past the trail you rnust follow. Go back a few stepsand up the tail, coming out behind a group of Yevon guards. Continue up the obscure trail around a curve to reach the centual paih. Navigate lhr1ughtheareausinglhe path. Listen in on the conversrtion,as the Upon reachingrhe central path, head upward until you hear voicesthrough yivon g'ards ,tivutgepasswordsyou'I1need later.
Say the appropriate password basedon how many guards are standing there. If you give the corect password, they will leave rnd possibly give you an item. Ifyou give the incorrect password, 1. The hnal group aftempts io trick you by adding two more members and asking for the exact same pavord rgain.
WhentheCirclebuttonappears tun gteenish jumpto a secretledgewherea chestcontains a Megalixit. He will replay the haunting images ifyou speak to him again after rhe conversations onboard the Bridge. Ride the lift to the Cabin area, where dree musicians are practicing in the conidor Speak to the third musiciaq Daraya, and start prshing all duee of them onto tie lift. Position Yuna behind each musician, and move toward the llft. Yuna will guide each musiciar by collision.
You can also get a bonus accessoryby pushilg Tobli into the elevator. If you want to quit this task, speak to Barkeep at the top of the corridor. Once all dtee are onboard the lii, Yuna delights the t I lly1u all7wedClask1md j'aka l0 j1in lhecrewtheywillafrendthec7ncert. You must now decide whether to give the sphere that w?
Your choice affects the scene that occurs afterward and mary other dialogues and con"ersations throughout the grme.
Wherever you travel in Spin, Youth League members will welcome you with respect and thanks. However, New Yevon members will scorn your presence and if you aftempt to entef Bevelle, the Gullwings will be forced to 6ght several sets of soldiers and machina. Ifyou give the sphere to New Yevon, the crew of the Celsius has a conference with the gratefii Praetor Baralai.
Youth League members will look down upon the Gullwings, and if you attempt to enter Mushroom Rock Road, youle forced to complete an extra mission in which the girls fight Youth League parriots, culminating in a baftle against Elma. League change gane. Looks like Leblanc is Afler choosinga side ,.
Gagazet , defeat them, and steal three uniforms. The order in which you visit these locations and obtain the Syndicate Uniforms is not important. While l0rapp1rtunities t0 searching besureto steal Syodiale Unifoms, alhetl1calion inSpiata revisit every undeLlake a variely 0fvitalnissi7ns andsidequests.
Beclem, of the Besrid Aurochs, Return to Besaid and speak to any of the blitzball players is training new members for the Youth League. A drill sergeant, Beclem, from the Youth League is training the young men of Besaid-and not in a pleasantway.
Yuna becomesincensedby Beclem'scomments,resulting Lnan opponnity for you to undertake a challenging mini game to put Beclem in his place. When the mission begins, learn how to play the mini-game. You start at a three-wayjunction and fight toward the beach.
You must speakto Beclem at the shorelinetefore time erpnes witn points or more. The two Coyotes in the area remain stationary Trrget them with the Circle button ind shoot them with the X bufton. Switch ammunition q? QicHy proceed toward the ruins and shoot the Coyotes coming down the h Frankly, this isnt the best area to gato points, simply becausethe camera angles male it more difficult to detect fiends coming down the slope. Blast though the ruins and get to the neyt area as soon as possible.
Continue fighting in this area until you have at least points. Successin this mini game is entirely dependenton playing the game withoutbeing attackedby the fiends. The more liends you dispatchwithout tating a hit, the higher your chain multiplier wiil rise. The chain multiplier is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The yellow bar witt extend farther as you defeat more enemies, and the points gined per kill will double. If the chain bar fills comptetely, each defeated fiend scores triple the usual points.
To avoid hits from an enemy, tap the Circle button repeatedly to tar- Winoing thenin gane in lhetine alllftedtequiesnainlaininga t'ull chainbatwhiledefutingrcughly2A0l narc fiends. When you reach points, look at the remaining time. Decide whether to continue playing to score even higher or to head to the beach. Ifless than a minute remains, itt time to call it quits. In tne overgrown area with the cave entrance, a giant mech blocks Yuna's path. This opponent can be easily dispatcled with a singte Death bulet, ifyou have one remaining.
However, you can still jump to the chest beyond the canoe ner the Save Sphere for a Titbo Ether. Still, there are easy completion points to gain simply by visiting.
Enter the circular courq'ard area to have a televised interview with Shelinda. Additionally, some ofthe folla in the locker room conidor the one with the save sphere are eager to play Sphere Break. The world has entered into a period known as the 'Eternal Calm'. During this moment of. Game Guides Emuparadise. Direct Download: Unforunately this file has been removed for now. Find out more. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Although the game was not very successful when first released for Playstation 2in Square Enix re-released a remastered version for Playstation 3PlayStation 4and Playstation Vita.
This page was last edited on 10 Februaryat On the other hand, there is a handy section right before the strategies all about prepping to fight, including hints on team selection, grinding, making the appropriate armor, enhancing the sphere grid, and possible combinations for Hyper Mighty G.
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