Following is a Model class named FileModel with one property i. You will need to import the following namespaces. The Controller consists of two Action methods.
Action method for handling File Display operation. Later, the values of the Array are copied to a Generic List collection consisting objects of FileModel class and then returned to the View. Action method for handling File Download operation. This action method handles the File Download operation and when the ActionLink is clicked, the name of the File to be downloaded is sent to this method.
GetFiles Path. Combine this. Open, FileAccess. Second, the mime type needed to NOT be a octet-stream. Supposedly, using the stream causes the browser to just download the file.
Third, I had to add a header that changed the content-disposition to inline. Using this post I figured out I had to modify my code to prevent duplicate headers, since the content-disposition was already being set to attachment. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Make a file open in browser instead of downloading it Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 1 month ago. Active 2 years, 1 month ago.
Viewed 72k times. These issues cannot be ignored; for the continuous use of the File Stream application, one must work to fix these problems. We have an alternative way to backup Google Drive data to the system permanently in case users need it urgently and are unable to fix the issues with Google Drive File Stream using manual ways.
The way we are mentioning here is the use of an advanced professional utility — the Kernel Google Drive Backup tool. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Sign In. New Contributor. Afterwards I modified the auto-captions in Stream in the pane next to the video.
Best, Greg. Tags: Caption. I had meant to do that for quite some time. It is a difficult procedure for me as I am a non-technical person but I managed somehow. But now I having trouble with the syncing of files. I am not able to access some of them properly as Gdrive file stream not responding. Now, I find myself looking for ways to fix Google Drive file stream not syncing. There are no proper solutions advised. Could you help me with this problem? Additional Guide: — Google drive file stream not syncing is a big issue for you.
But, most of the users are using Outlook as their default mail client. The error can also occur in the exchange configured Outlook. Read this post and know the safe way to Gdrive file stream not responding issue. This is the newer version of file syncing with server data. It is a desktop application to quickly access the drive data on demand. With this, all the documents are available on the computer and save some storage space on the system.