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See Details. This introduction to mindfulness meditation for children and their parents includes practices that can help children calm down, become more focused, fall asleep more easily, alleviate worry, manage anger, and generally become more patient and aware.

When you take care of yourself, you are saying to yourself that you matter. Then you can model for others how to take care of themselves. Free Companion Guide Download Download this companion guide for questions to ask while reading The Monster Parade and several post reading activities that can be done at home or in the classroom. Here are three exercises to help establish a light touch for setting goals with the children in your life.

Finding out that it is so simple is the biggest thing. There is no real process of indoctrination or belief system, you do not have to join anything or follow. This is all God so it is literally a transmission for you to not have to go through all these processes that you may have to go through if you were doing this on your own.

I cannot physically help every individual as I am limited just like you are limited, so I put my energy into a science that conforms with the science of the evolution that makes us what we are, which is Geomancy. With the Tools, I use applied geomancy, a level that in time will prove through physics the existence of God, the existence of the Soul and the Etheric Field - the existence of a whole new realm of science that today we call a miracle and tomorrow will just be called the Science of the Soul, Redemption.

A person starts with an Etheric Weaver and they may have never done any healing before, are not doing anything special but they pull it out, it spins around and healings begin taking place and the person starts feeling not only more confident but their emotional body, their physical body, their Soul is becoming integrated and healed.

And they start helping other people. With the tools, I am manifesting a science to prove miracles exist and that there is a Lord, and that the energy behind that Lord has no difficulty in solving all problems. Problems are not there, they just exist due to previous karma and we do not have a way to work out our previous karma. We incarnate in this very limited body with very limited abilities but we are not limited when it comes down to what Christ can do when it comes down to spiritual, metaphysical abilities.

I provide a range of different healing tools which enhance an enormous variety of energy fields that need to be changed and heal all the different aspects of separation that makes things what they are.

Some people are dogmatic in certain ways and make the planet spin negatively in their own personal way that has its own personal way of disrupting the order of the universe. We are all different so imagine how many different ways you have to heal it.

I can help by providing the tools that radiate my healing energy and abilities to transform but I cannot make any choices for you.

On a soulful level, we have to be free to make choices and change our karma by making better choices. As we evolve, we naturally make better choices. So my tools are just a supportive, higher telepathic way to do it — interrelating with a planetary reality of a hierarchical truth that is going to help give you back your Soul and protect you. November 21st Teaching Dharshan. Advanced Search. Mindfulness The benefits of incorporating mindfulness into your daily life can be far-reaching. See All Books.

Author Videos. Michael Carroll on Mindfulness in the Workplace In his new book, Fearless at Work , Michael Carroll explains how the practice of mindfulness—full awareness of our moment-to-moment experience—can help us become more confident and open to possibility in our work life. Featured Excerpt. Author Events.

Currently there are no upcoming events in this category. Check out all of our events below. The Nature of Mind B5. Mind and Rebirth B6. The Four Noble Truths B7. The Three Characteristics Precious Human Life C2. The Eight Worldly Concerns D1. Imagining Our Death D3. Refuge D4. Karma D5. The Ten Destructive Actions D6. The Ten Constructive Actions D7. The Results of Karma D8. Four Opponent Powers for Purification


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