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No coding required! Similarly, it also looks a bit like the old Fallout series before the big leap to full 3D. Tired of all the old tricks those RPGs pull on you? The same turn based fight systems you have to plod through in order to grind for that next boss? If so, then maybe a real space flight sim might be for you.
Featuring customizable ships and a lot of fellow space fighters, this game is a step forward in browser based titles. At the same time, it stands as a pretty good RPG on its own, boasting an expansive leveling system and a party combat system. Okay, so while Mardek is a single player game, the compelling story should be enough for you to start playing the game. Boasting some very deep dialogue and interesting characters, this browser RPG rivals even Dragon Age. The aesthetics of the title are also centered on the old school Final Fantasy, which makes it sort of refreshing from all the 3D games that come out each year.
This game does not take the traditional route that other RPGs take, and is instead more reminiscent of Jade Empire. Screenshots Wallpapers. Z-Tokens Guardian. Unraveling magic. Endless adventure. AdventureQuest News. Thursday, November 18, NEW! Gain estate bonuses. Yes No. Get more out of your Kongregate experience. Take advantage of ad-free gaming, cool profile skins, automatic beta access, and private chat with Kong Plus.
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